Saturday, May 10, 2008

The People's Republic - Vernissage

It really was tough work cutting out those foam plates, getting dizzy from breathing in the spray-on glue, writing texts for the pictures and finally going to the café finding out that nobody really expected me and the owner with whom I arranged my exhibition was not there too. Nevertheless, now it's done, and I'm very happy (and a little bit proud ;-) to have my first photo exhibition in a very nice and beautiful coffeehouse.

Here are some pictures:

1 comment:

NiBa said...

lässig, alle Achtung und respäääct! is echt a super Gfühl deine Fotos in "meinem" ehemaligen Café zum sehn, schod, dass i ned daheim bin!
Vermiss di/eich/dahoam scho a bissl. But Ireland rocks!
Bis bald, bussl